This year has started out rough, losing my dad has been terrible and the hole he has left will never be filled. But I can't mope around forever. Grief comes in waves and while I know it will never go away, it will get better.
This year I chose not to participate in the 2019 Polymer Clay Challenge, at least not until after I complete my Masters (2 classes left!). Instead, I decided to set a couple of personal, polymer clay goals.
This year my goals are to:
Finish my house elf. He stands 32 inches tall and has been patiently waiting for hands, hair and clothes for a year. Here is what he looks so far:
Next I need to finish my Troll. I made him in November right after a painting demonstration I attended taught by the amazing Toby Froud. I was so inspired to try his techniques that this guy was born. I had planned on just making a head to try the techniques I learned but this guy needs to be finished! The pins on his face are placeholders for whiskers :0)
After these two are complete I want to finish a few zombies for my Artsy Zombie Etsy shop. I have several sculpted and even painted but they need clothes. Soon I will have time to sculpt again. I am looking forward to it.