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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Zombie Eye Experiment Part 2 - Zombie Heads!

I had so much fun sculpting Zombies over the New Year holiday.

Here are a couple that have been painted. I am very pleased with how the eyes look. Still not as creepy as the pictures, but not bad. I may have to do some more experiments to see if I can get them more monsterish.

The second one really is gruesome! I noticed that I always droop the same side of the face. I'm going to try to mix it up a bit next time. We'll see how that goes.

Making these guys was fun. Next I'll need to do hands and feet for them and then make them into dolls. One of them may be used for the Art Doll Quarterly Haunted Fairy Tales challenge. Once I start fleshing them out a bit more I will know if either of them will work.

Stay tuned :0)