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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mad, Mad, Mad, Men Swap... What I Sent

Since I know the package I sent was delivered last week, I thought I would share what I send. 

Here is the pack of goodies sent for the swap, you can see a better pic of the zombie below:


I always have fun making zombies. This swap required me to do a bit of research since I have never seen the show Mad Men... yes, it is sad but true. I don't watch a lot of TV. So here is the character that I based my Zombie on: 

As always I started with a lump of clay and some wire. Here is what her head looked like before I baked it.

Here is what she looked like partially painted. Since I was costuming her in a belly revealing shirt I sculped her torso.

Here she is painted, with hair and clothing

My swap partner indicated she likes Crown as her alcohol of choice so I made a small bottle of it for this poor zombie girl. 

I also decorated a flask set for her... in zombie style of course:



Close up of Shot Glasses

Here she is, done and costumed

I hope my swap partner likes her!



Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Mad Mad Mad Men Zombie Swap!


I am thrilled to be taking part in Yarnigras Swapper Spot's annual Zombie swap. This year's theme is Mad Men zombies with a cocktail/beverage twist. I am having a great time working on this one and can't wait to share it. 

Val over at Yarnigras Swapper Spot has been hosting this swap for a LONG time and I've been lucky enough to participate for many years. She also hosts other swaps throughout the year. Click on her blog's name to visit her site :0)

Thanks for stopping by... 


Thursday, January 28, 2021

2021...Slow Down a Bit

Image from Pixabay (linked)

This year is already flying by. I guess it isn't a bad thing since 2020 seemed to last about a decade. However, I have things to do, things that need to get done or things that I want to get done so I would like it to stop rushing by so fast!

Here is an update on life in my world...

Image from A for Artistic 

I am taking an online felt animal class from my amazing friend Christine Shively-Benjamin through A for Artistic. It starts on February 1 and I can't wait. I've order a selection of wool blend felt that will be here next week. Should be enough for at least a hundred animals. Click here to learn more about this class or click on the picture above This is not an affiliate link, I just love this class :0) 

Christine has a way with fabric. She is a NIADA artist, creating figurative wonders from felt, fabric, wire and beads. I've seen her create stunning figures with simple shapes and the blanket stitch. I have several of her dolls and also a few of her pincushions and I use them all the time. Her attention to detail takes her work to a level I strive for. 

I started sculpting again. I never quit, I just didn't do as much as I wanted to. Last year was hit and miss. I did a few doll swaps with the crew over at Yarnigras Swapper Spot but otherwise I didn't do a lot of sculpting. 

I spent most of the pandemic social distancing in my camper at ghost towns. you can read about some of my travels on my Travel Blog I have been working on it slowly and it is starting to have some fun posts on it. I am slowing writing about the many journeys I have been on and hope to have more content on there soon. It is a different platform that I am not as proficient with so bear with me as I learn!! 

I am working on few of characters right now. A mischievous elf, a male zombie (possibly a baker, not sure yet) and a mysterious witchy woman. 

Here they are in their current states:

Here is my elf. She was a bit irritated to be photographed on a roll of paper towels 

The Witchy Woman. She was just started

Zombie. I sculpted him a while ago and just love his face. He didn't care about the paper towels! 

Lots more going on my world. I have camping trips planned, another trip to the Turks and Caicos planned (hopefully I can go!), a trip to South Dakota and another one to the Oregon coast. You can read about our last trip to Oregon here. I called it camping trip interrupted since we had to leave early due to major wildfires. It was a mad rush to get home.  

Since I work in education, I get my first Covid vaccine within the next week. I can't wait! My youngest son and one of my besties have recently completed their 2nd vaccine and while they felt pretty crappy for about a day, they both agree it is better than risking serious, life long complications or death from Covid. I hope our world starts to recover this year. It is going to take a while. I know art and camping will help me through it...

If you have read this far... THANK YOU and

Thanks for stopping by!